Simple Savings With PremiereRx
Find the price of your medications and choose how to receive them.

Generic Equivalent

Local Pharmacy

Mail Order

Pill Split

Prescriptions Assistance Program (PAP)

Therapeutic Alternative

Save on your prescriptions
Partnered with Impax Rx, PremiereRx offers you access to over 60,000 pharmacies nationwide. Easily find your medications online and select the most convenient delivery method.
Read MoreAccess Simple Mobile Diagnostic Services
Anytime Anywhere
Our mission is to provide care for extraordinary patients seamlessly.
A standard 12-lead EKG can be performed with tracing reviewed by an attending physician upon request.
Echocardiography, general ultrasound, venous, vascular, and arterial doppler services are available on a scheduled basis.
Every exam is thoroughly reviewed by a board-certified radiologist and reviewed with you over the phone.
Find Out How To Save!
Have questions about your prescriptions or medications? We have an expert customer service team ready to help. Our mission is to get you the most out of your PremiereRx benefits.
With Individual and Family plans you can get the perfect options at the most affordable price.